
Showing posts from January, 2022

Amazon Rain Forest and its Endangered species - BALD UAKARI

Amazon is the highest level of bio-diversity rainforest in the world.  It spreads across the banks of the river Amazon which is the largest river in the world in terms of its discharge of water and the second-longest river in the world after the Nile.  This Gigantic river has around 1100 tributaries.  Among these tributaries, some are more than 1000 miles in length.  It spreads about 40% of the South American Continent and is spread across countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, and French Guiana. ALT -  Spread over 40% of South America, this rainforest is home to thousands of rare plants and animals.   This river basin is the lifeline of the entire forest in South America.  It is considered if this ecosystem is endangered; the whole planet will get affected.  This means this Amazon rainforest is protecting not only the ecology of South America but the entire world. Wildlife in Amazon This rainforest is home to thousands of animals and birds, of the many are a rare v

PLANTS TO KNOW - FEVERFEW; A Rare combination of Beauty and Utility.

OVERVIEW Feverfew or Tanacetum Parthenium is a flowering plant of the Asteraceae family.  It is commonly found in European countries but now it is cultivated all around for its medicinal character.  It is both annual and perennial.  If the climate is cool it will bloom annually. It can be evergreen if it gets good sunlight. ALT - Feverfew is a wonderful herb used both as a gardening plant and as a medicine. This name is derived from the Latin word Febrifugia , meaning medicine for fever.  For centuries, this plant is used to treat fever and headache, particularly migraine.  It’s also useful for treating inflammatory conditions.  Migraine is a health condition where the patient will have moderate to severe headaches on both sides of the head along with throbbing and palpitating. BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION Kingdom : Plantae (Plants) Subkingdom : Trachiobionta (Vascular plants) Super division : Spermatophyta (Seed plants) Division : Mangliophyta (Flowering plants) Cla

Will the Indo-UK treaty on migration be a game-changer for India?

Will the Indo-UK treaty on migration be a game-changer for India? India and Britain signed a historical agreement that will allow both Indian and British nationals to work in each other’s country for two years.  It was signed by British Home secretary Priti Patel and Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar on 4 May 2021. ALT - This new agreement is viewed as the first step of the revival of ties between India and England both trying to explore the untapped opportunity of manpower and market opportunity. This was the end result of the never-ending working between British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi who were working vigorously to improve bilateral relations to a new level.  It is believed, the landmark agreement between the two nations will help Indian professionals and semiskilled workers a new opportunity to explore.  It also helps to improve bilateral relations between the two nations which had many twists and turns in the past.  This peopl


  Panaji is the state capital of Goa, the smallest state in the southwest of the Indian Sub Continent.  This state capital is on the bank of river Mandovi and is also known by the name Panjim.  Panaji is a small but very beautiful capital city.  The cobblestone laid streets, architecture, and landscaping of buildings and their beautiful villas resemble the Portuguese style of architecture.  Not only the landscape but the cuisine, culture, and the life of common people have some Portuguese influence probably because of the colonial rule that existed there.  Although the British had controlled the whole of India, the Portuguese took possession of Goa and Ppndicherry and controlled these two even after the British left India in the year 1947.  Goa was under Portuguese rule which was ended with operation Vijay through which India took possession of this state under its control expelling Portuguese authority.  It continued as a union territory and in 1987 it became the 25th state of the Ind