
Showing posts from July, 2022

Renewable Energy Modeling – Transitioning to Green Energy.

“I always believe that tomorrow will be better than today. But I’m also a realist, and I know that believing and hoping won’t make it so. Doing is what matters.” - Mike Bloomberg, Mayor of New York.   Introduction – why is Renewable Energy important for India   India has an increased need for energy to fulfill the development plans it is undertaking. It requires a vast quantum of energy that becomes a prerequisite for any kind of economic growth a country aims for. Almost all the developed countries have gone through this phase which India now is transgressing. A small hindrance in the supply chain will have a chain effect on the development plans. It needs to increase connectivity, electrification, and manufacturing units. Moreover, India has a whopping 140 cr population. So consumption of energy will always be on the higher side.   But it has come with some riders. As per World Resource Institute Report 2017, India’s share of total carbon emission is 6.65%, standing n