Beyond Surveillance: How ICCCs Transform Cities
Imagine this: You're rushing to seal a deal in a new city, the skyline a blur of unfamiliar buildings. But a knot of anxiety tightens in your stomach. You don't speak the language, the streets are a maze, and your critical meeting hangs in the balance. Which way do you turn? Or picture this: You're on a family road trip, the vastness of the highway stretching before you. Suddenly, the weather turns treacherous, visibility plummets, and the dreaded sputter of a failing engine fills the car. To make matters worse, your phone is dead. Panic sets in – you're alone, vulnerable, and miles from anywhere. What do you do? Perhaps you're a parent, your heart heavy with concern for your daughter working late in a distant city. Her commute is long, the hours unpredictable, and every news headline seems to amplify your fears. You lie awake at night, wondering if she's safe. These are personal anxieties, yes, but you're far from alone. In our rapidly evolving world, cou...