Benefits for business transforming from Traditional Marketing to Business Marketing.

Benefits for business transforming from Traditional Marketing to Business Marketing.


In the past, the marketing sector was controlled by a traditional way of marketing through print media. But with the introduction of the internet and social media and the popularity it got, The marketing sector also started using this new technology and started to use the advantage of digital media.

ALT - Digital marketing helps to identify the target audience very easily and helps to reach out to them quickly and also with less cost.

There are days when we used to sit with morning newspapers for hours with a cup of hot tea in hand. Later dominance of print media was taken by Television and Radio. Now people prefer to sit with laptops and mobile phones. It's estimated around 55 % of the world's population is using the internet regularly and on average, they are spending more time looking at mobile phones or laptops than watching television. This has created the evolution of digital media and it became more popular surpassing print media and television.


Marketing; a backbone for business success.

No matter how good our product is; its marketing is vital for its success. This is the reason business establishments spent a lot of money and time in marketing their products and services. there will be more products in the market and the competition is high. Previously they used traditional methods now they also use Digital Marketing to reach their potential customers.


What is Traditional Marketing?

Marketing done with the help of Newspapers, Television, Radio, Magazine, etc are traditional marketing. Billboards advertising various products on busy roads, posters, and banners we used to see in buses, taxis, or autorickshaws are also a part of traditional marketing. 

The latest in this field is telemarketing wherein business firms used to call potential customers via telephone and make familiarize their products to potential customers.


Pro and cons of Traditional Marketing.

This method is more suitable for a small geographical area.  

These advertisements are permanent. The hoardings you erected in front of your business firm or an advertisement in a magazine is visible to readers until its popular, Negative side is, it is very expensive.


What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing uses the below platforms to reach potential customers.

  • Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Through Website.
  • Content Marketing.
  • Inbound Marketing.
  • Marketing through emails.
  • Search engine marketing.

Advantages of Digital Marketing:

Wide range of options: the most important aspect of digital marketing is that it has got a very wide range of options available according to your needs and your customer base. The options start from social media advertisement to search engine marketing


Here a commercial firm can choose which one is best for them.

 More economical: 

In the initial stages of business, a firm will find it difficult to invest in marketing. In that case, the firm can use social media and create a high customer base through advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Many business firms are now using these platforms and have become very famous in the market. 

Digital marketing can be used to propagate for the long term. 

A hotel can update its daily menus and circulate them among its customers. If a restaurant is preparing new food items, they can popularize them via digital marketing. A textile shop can showcase its new arrivals and its price tag through WhatsApp or Facebook. Even a small petty shop can use this marketing strategy.  

Digital marketing is measurable: 

Unlike print media, a business house can measure the impact of their advertisement digital media. They can calculate the impact of advertisement among people. They can also see the total number of viewers of their advertisement and their feedbacks. Suppose a Jewellery shop is making a special design of jewelry for young people, they can check how much is the impact of their advertisement on young people.

 Reaching out to the right customers:

 Print media does not guarantee how many potential customers are viewing your advertisement in a newspaper or a magazine. This is not the case with digital media. A producer can know and can place his advertisement where his potential customers are visiting frequently. if a potential customer wants to buy a new mobile phone; he will surely go and check the Google search engine for better options. A potential seller is well aware of it so he can place his advertisement there.

 Increases conversions:

Changing a prospect to lead is very difficult. It is faster and more effective in digital marketing as it allows a business firm to show its advertisement to only those who have a genuine interest in buying it. This is possible because digital marketing is data-driven and a business firm can show their advertisement to those who checked similar products before.

 Retaining a customer base:

 Just like finding a new customer; retaining a customer is very important. This can be done through regular after-sale communications through various social media sites or emails. Business firms constantly update their past customers with new arrivals in the store and update the customer. What’s new for the customer is that they need not have to visit the showroom to view the details of the new arrivals.

Reach of the advertisement: 

unlike traditional marketing which is centered on a specific area, digital marketing will have a wide reach all over the world. It's more helpful to the Tourism sector and for Resorts. A resort in India will have more foreign tourists as customers. To reach .them, advertising in a local newspaper or showing on television will not help. It requires more advanced Digital Marketing through which a resort can popularize their brand to foreign tourists and attract them to their resorts. 

Digital marketing is less expensive compared to others but more effective.  

Unlike traditional marketing; Digital Marketing helps a firm to get customers globally.

While Traditional marketing uses one-way communications; Digital Marketing can employ two-way communications. In the traditional method; the producer cannot understand what the customer thinks about their product or service. In digital marketing; a producer can give a small column for customer feedback. Thus a producer is constantly getting regular feedback on their products which helps them to improve those products.


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