When Holi becomes no colors except darkness…

 When Holi becomes no colors except darkness…

I woke up late today, it being a holiday, and decided to indulge in an extended nap. Today is Holi, the festival of colors. It marks the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the lunar month. As the full moon graces the lunar month, streets come alive for celebrations. Smearing bright-colored powders and splashing colored water on friends and family becomes the primary responsibility of every Indian both in India and abroad. Laughter and celebration fill the air, as everyone competes to make themselves and their clothes as colorful as can.

Even in my slumber, I could hear the lively chants and jubilant celebrations surrounding the bonfires. As part of the Holi festivities, bonfires are lit in the early morning, well before sunrise. It is believed that the towering flames ashes the old and undesirable and a welcome for new beginnings.

I leisurely picked up my mobile phone and scrolled through the flood of Holi greetings on WhatsApp. With a tap here and there, I forwarded the festive wishes to many, adding personalized messages for those closer to my heart. Though I didn't have colors in my hands, I felt I contributed my share to the joy of Holi celebrations through these digital exchanges.

Among the recipients was my old colleague, a brilliant technocrat who had amassed a fortune working abroad for a client. Though young, now leading a retired life, closely associating with an NGO and trying his best in social service.

Many replied wishing me the joy of prosperity, colorful life, and celebrations except for his stark response. This individual expressed that he is in perpetual darkness, having never experienced any color beyond it. For me there is nothing but darkness however, I've grown to embrace it, as it fuels my quest for light and life; he concluded his wishes.

I found this message to be both discouraging and amusing, with a hint of negativity lingering within its unexpectedness. Is he gone mad or blind? I asked myself. To know more I surfed his social media pages. It was full of his never-ending and relentless support to people who couldn't see,  People who are blind by birth or for some other reasons. Amazingly he is doing several good things in his life to support their life and is today  a promising figure in social engineering. I felt proud of being a friend to such a great personality like him and his activities. I made a quick call and spoke about a whole range of issues blind people face in India and abroad. 

I, too, find it essential to acknowledge those who are often overlooked amidst our celebrations of joy and prosperity. When fate deals a harsh hand, life becomes a relentless struggle of existence from birth to death, not able to make anything or leave nothing. They have no legacy in the material world. But become ensnared in a cycle of indebtedness, reliant on assistance for their very existence, No joy of life, or accomplishments but pure dependence. 

Being human we must remember them when we are celebrating the victory of good over evil. Then only our celebrations gain depth and meaning ensuring that no one is forgotten amidst the revelry.

The reason why we celebrate the joy of colors is because we understand the Depths of Darkness.

Rough estimates suggest that there are over 30 to 40 million Indians who are blind or visually impaired, This means approximately two to three out of every 100 Indians are living without sight. However, despite these significant numbers, how many visually impaired individuals do we encounter in our daily lives? Very few. Reports indicate that around 60% of blind individuals in India are confined to the four walls of their homes, deprived of the opportunity to travel, go outdoors, or participate in social functions. Life imprisonment from birth to death. 

Reflecting on this reality, it becomes evident how unkind our society has been to these specially-abled individuals. Unfortunately, India bears 40% of the world's legally blind population still we are still unable to get the mandatory social infrastructure and support. In comparison, India is far behind to western countries in providing social infrastructure and needs to go a long way, probably miles to catch up. 

A profound realization of how blind we are towards the visually challenged and their challenges.

So what can we do for them?

Sympathy and empathy

I don’t seek your sympathy or empathy. We've heard those words countless times in various contexts—on screens, in dramas, and in our daily interactions. They signify self-respect and dignity. But for a blind person, such sentiments hold a deeper meaning. They never say this to anyone because they rely on assistance fundamentally, day in and day out.

So, when you see a visually impaired person, offer tangible help—assist them in crossing roads, climbing stairs, or boarding buses. Ensure they reach their destination safely. Blindness often stems from conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts—many of which are preventable and treatable. Yet, affordability remains a barrier for many.

This is where we can demonstrate our compassion and the value we place on human life. There's nothing more divine than sponsoring treatment for those in need. And when you depart, consider leaving behind your most precious gift—your eyes, which can illuminate the lives of two souls. 

When technology becomes the savior

Amidst the challenges and obstacles, technology emerges as a beacon of hope. Among the many innovations, one such example is Microsoft's Seeing AI application assisting individuals with visual impairments. Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI), this innovative application offers real-time audio descriptions of the surrounding environment. By providing users with invaluable information about their surroundings, Seeing AI empowers them to navigate the world with greater independence and confidence.

What's more, it can audibly describe scenes captured by the device's camera, providing users with real-time information about their surroundings. Additionally, it can read aloud printed text from documents, signs, and labels. Moreover, it can identify nearby individuals, estimating their age, gender, and emotions, helping users to recognize and interact with others.

Have you heard of BlindSquare AI? It's a mobile navigation app that combines artificial intelligence and GPS technology to provide personalized audio-based navigation instructions. This innovative app assists users in navigating to their desired destinations, offering guidance tailored to their preferences, such as walking or while using public transportation.

BlindSquare AI also integrates well with other transportation apps and ride-sharing services like Uber and Ola, enhancing its functionality and convenience for users.

Apple has developed a portal that facilitates location-based services and proximity sensing using Bluetooth technology. Portals, known as beacons are typically installed in fixed locations like retail stores, museums, airports, or stadiums.. they emit signals that are easily detectable by compatible devices such as mobile phones or tablets. This enables precise proximity detection, allowing mobile apps to accurately determine the distance between a user's device and nearby beacons.

Access to education

Accessible education aims to ensure that persons with blindness have equal access to quality educational opportunities and resources. Schools and educational institutions should provide learning materials in accessible formats, such as braille, large print, audio recordings, and digital text. These materials enable blind students to access and engage with the curriculum effectively. Textbooks, worksheets, handouts, and other instructional materials should be available in multiple formats to accommodate diverse learning needs.

Blind students may require specialized instruction and support from trained educators who are knowledgeable about blindness-specific techniques and accommodations. Teachers should be proficient in using assistive technologies, teaching braille literacy, providing orientation and mobility training, and adapting instructional strategies to meet the needs of blind learners.

Blind students may benefit from individualized education plans that outline their unique learning goals, needs, and accommodations. IEP teams, including teachers, parents, special educators, and related service providers, collaborate to develop and implement personalized strategies and supports to promote academic success and skill development.

Despite the absence of sight, blind individuals possess a rich blend of skills, passions, and abilities waiting to be unveiled. Through patient encouragement, innovative approaches, and tailored support, we can identify and develop their unique talents. Whether it's through music, literature, tactile arts, technology, or athletics, blind individuals demonstrate remarkable creativity, resilience, and determination in pursuing their passions. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and fosters personal growth, society can unlock the full potential of blind individuals, enabling them to thrive and make meaningful contributions to the world.

Job security

Reserving jobs for blind individuals is a proactive measure aimed at promoting equal employment opportunities and fostering inclusivity in the workforce. This initiative helps to address the systemic barriers and discrimination faced by blind individuals in the job market, ensuring that they have access to gainful employment and can contribute their skills and talents to the workforce. Additionally, reserving jobs for blind individuals encourages employers to provide reasonable accommodations, training, and support services to facilitate the successful integration of blind employees into the workplace. Overall, reserving jobs for blind individuals is a positive step towards building a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to participate and succeed in the workforce.

Showing up our commitment

Now it's our turn to change; a change for good. We need to undergo a profound shift in our mindset and approach towards others who are physically or mentally challenged. We should recognize that true progress is not measured solely by individual achievements but by the collective empowerment and upliftment of all members of society, including those who are marginalized or disadvantaged. To truly demonstrate our commitment to inclusivity, we must cultivate a culture of compassion, understanding, and solidarity, where every individual is valued and respected for their unique abilities and contributions.

This journey towards inclusivity demands great courage as we confront deeply entrenched prejudices and biases, and question societal norms that perpetuate inequality. It requires a willingness to listen, learn, and unlearn, stepping beyond our comfort zones to embrace diversity in all its forms. We must recognize that diversity is not a barrier to unity but a wellspring of strength and enrichment.

By uniting as a society and mastering the art of inclusivity, we can forge a future where inclusivity is not merely an aspiration but a guiding principle in every decision and action. This is paramount because when we celebrate our next Holi, it symbolizes more than just festivities—it signifies the triumph of light over darkness, echoing the victory of inclusivity over prejudice.


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